Xi Phi Chapter
Upsilon, the very first Texas chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. was formed in Dallas, TX in 1959. For some reason, the chapter lost its momentum and folded. The next Texas chapter Zeta Chi (Houston) was not formed until four years later, November 1963. Other chapters began to emerge and grow to become the Middlesouth Region: Rho Chi (New Orleans), Theta Eta (San Antonio), Lambda Eta (Dallas-Ft. Worth), and Upsilon Eta (Oklahoma City).
Several Lambda Eta members felt the need to re-establish a Dallas chapter. They worked diligently at recurring self-directed, strong Black nurses from various specialties within a cross-section of health care settings. Three of these nurses, who had the insight were: Soror Carol Cole (President, May 1995- May 1999), Soror Doris Freeman, and Soror Fayrene Tolbert (Dean of Pledges, May 1995- May 1999). The first meetings were held in Westcliff Mall (Rosa Parks Mall) at the School of Training for Nursing Assistants owned and operated by Soror Foreman. Some of the earliest documented records are dated November 9, 1994, which reflects communication with the National Organization.
With sheer determination and perseverance, the Xi Phi Chapter was chartered May 6, 1995. The Inaugural Celebration was held at the Ramanda Hotel (downtown Convention Center), from 6:30 pm- 9:00 pm.