Lambda Eta Chapter
The formation of the Chi Club in the Dallas/Fort Worth area was initiated by Carol J. Kelly. Carol left the Alpha Chi Chapter in Nashville, Tennessee with regrets. The sisterly feeling of Chi Eta Phi was still strongly ingrained in her. She felt the need to start a chapter here in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. She met Glenda Daniels in a beauty shop in the fall of 1984. During their conversation, they discovered they both were RNs. Carol spoke about the Chi Club, and a meeting was set up to discuss this later in more detail. She met at Glenda’s residence on Friday, October 26, 1984 to discuss forming a chapter and recruiting nurses from the area. A meeting was scheduled for after the holidays for nurses to come and find out about Chi Eta Phi.
The first initial organizational meeting was held on Friday, February 8, 1985, at the home of Glenda Daniels. These meetings were closely supported by Dorothy McRae, Pamela Roberson, Georgetta Baptist and Carol Kelly. Request for Official Organization was then submitted to the National Organizer, Clara W. Love. The group decided to move forward. They reviewed the purpose of Chi Eta Phi, the guidelines for charter chapter organization, and charter chapter checklist. Signatures were made on a Charter Chapter request form. The slate of Chi Club officers was begun. The group decided to become more aggressive in their attempts to recruit more nurses. Assignments were made to advertise via radio, newspaper, and word of mouth. Limited responses were received. Several nurses said they would try to make it to the meeting, but never did.
A request was sent to the National Organizer, Clara W. love, regarding bylaws, orientation, and projects. On Friday, February 21, 1986, the number of names added to the list for the slate of Chi Club officers totaled sixteen. The request to charter a chapter was approved by Clara W. Love.
Bylaws were drafted and sent to National for approval. A community project was undertaken. On July 30, 1986, twelve applications accompanied by installation fees were mailed for review and approval. The Chi Club developed and functioned as a unit for almost seventeen months prior to official recognition.
Lambda Eta Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. was chartered October 11, 1986, in Arlington, Texas, at St. Barnabus Church.