About us

Welcome Message From The
Middlesouth Regional Director
Welcome to the Middlesouth Region, Inc. of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc.!
We are delighted that you have taken the time to explore our website and learn about the impactful initiatives we are undertaking to advance the nursing profession and serve our communities.
About Us
The Middlesouth Region was established on April 30, 1965, in Houston, Texas, with the Zeta Chi Chapter being the first chapter founded in the region. Today, we are proud to have over 14 graduate and 7 undergraduate chapters. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we operate under the umbrella of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Incorporated, an international professional nursing organization comprised of Registered Nurses and nursing students.
Founded in 1932 at Freemans Hospital (now Howard University) by 12 visionary nurses, Chi Eta Phi, Inc. aims to elevate nursing and education. Our motto, “Service for Humanity,” underscores our commitment to community service.
Our Region
The Middlesouth Region is in the southern United States and includes Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. With over 600 members, we are dedicated to fostering growth and promoting community service through partnerships while implementing programs and initiatives focused on health promotion and education.
We hope you find our site both informative and inspiring. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Dr. Bridgett Sterling, DNP, MHA, RN
17th Middlesouth Regional Director
The Executive Board

Bridgett Sterling
Regional Director

Kanita Tyler-Smith
Assistant Regional Director

CaMeika Mims-Williams
Recording Secretary

Keyoka Carter
Corresponding Secretary

Amanda Parham

Ann Thompson
Financial Secretary

Bettye Baxter

Joycelyn Westbrooks
Immediate Past Regional Director
MSR Chapter Presidents

Zeta Chi - Houston, Texas

Rho Chi - New Orleans, LA

Theta Eta - San Antonio, TX

Lambda Eta - Fort Worth, TX

Upsilon Eta - Oklahoma City, OK

Xi Phi - Dallas, TX

Sigma Phi - Waco, TX

Psi Phi - Baton Rouge, LA

Gamma Chi Chi - Nacogdoches, TX

Mu Chi Chi - Pine Bluff, AR

Pi Chi Chi - Little Rock, AR

Sigma Chi Chi - Bryant, AR

Tau Chi Chi - Zachary, LA

Our history
Middlesouth Region
The Middlesouth Region has a rich history marked by numerous milestones in its development and leadership. Here is a summary of the major events:
- The first regional meeting was held in Houston, Texas.
- Mary Lois Watkins from the Zeta Chi Chapter was elected as the first Middlesouth Regional Director.
- The first member from the Middlesouth Region was elected to a national office.
- Mary Lois Watkins was elected National Dean of Pledgees/Membership.
- The first Beta Chapter, Zeta Chi Beta, was chartered at Prairie View A&M University in Houston, Texas.
- The first two-day regional conference was facilitated by the Theta Eta Chapter in San Antonio, Texas.
- The first CEUs were awarded for a regional workshop organized by Mary Garnett, Regional Director.
- The third Beta Chapter, Theta Eta Beta, was chartered in San Antonio, Texas, on June 23.
- The first Middlesouth Region member elected as Second Vice-President was Dr. Carolyn Mosley from the Rho Chi Chapter, New Orleans, LA.
- The first regional conference hosted by Xi Phi Chapter was held in Dallas, Texas.
- The Middlesouth Regional workbook and Book of Reports were combined.
- Dr. Carolyn Mosley, from the Rho Chi Chapter, was elected as the 17th Supreme Basileus, the first member from the Middlesouth Region to hold this esteemed office.
- Criteria were approved to sponsor a “Neophyte” (New Member) to Boule’, developed by Linda Tellison under the leadership of the late Jeanette Young.
- The Middlesouth Regional Signature Project, “Saturday of Love,” was established, recommended by Vera Harris, Assistant Regional Director, Lambda Eta Chapter, Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas.
- The first Middlesouth Region “Leadership Retreat” was held at the Del Largo resort in Montgomery, Texas, under the leadership of Linda Tellison, Regional Director.
- Under the leadership of Joycelyn Westbrooks, the 16th Middlesouth Regional Director, the inaugural class of the Middlesouth Region Leadership Academy graduated 129 scholars in March 2023 at the 57th Middlesouth Regional Conference in Baton Rouge, LA.
- The Academy consisted of 8 modules presented via the Zoom platform with an “on-demand” component, aiming to educate and prepare members for leadership roles within the sorority and beyond.
These milestones highlight the growth and impact of the Middlesouth Region over the years, emphasizing leadership, education, elevating the plane of nursing, and Service for Humanity.

Our Mascot
The turtle is Chi Eta Phi Sorority's mascot because the turtle is:
- perserving
- sure-footed
- purposefully directed
- determined
- risk-taker