Sigma Phi Chapter
In February 1998, Frankie M. Lewis received an introduction letter regarding the Chi Eta Phi Sorority, She and Doris Tucker we intrigued, so they arranged a meeting with Alice Rogers, Regional Director of the Middlesouth Region, Vera Harris, Regional Expansion Committee Chairman and Alma Tate, Basileus of the Lambda Eta Chapter for March.
Over 100 letters were mailed to area nurses inviting them to attend this meeting but very few responded. The meeting did, however, take place and a subsequent meeting was arranged as a “get acquainted” affair at Luby’s Restaurant for May 2, 1998. So, May 2nd became the first official Chi Club meeting in Waco, Texas. Meetings were held every two weeks during the first few months. The main focus of these meetings was membership recruitment.
Alice Rogers delivered the news from the Supreme Basileus that Waco’s chapter charter request had been accepted on July 21, 1998. Now that the charter request was accepted, immediate work had to be done learning the charter process. August 8, 1998 began three weeks of classes on chartering policies. Brenda Johnson was elected as first Dean of Pledges.
A health fair at the Lake Air Mall in was the group’s first community project. The public was provided free blood pressure and blood sugar screenings. Cholesterol and medication education was also offered during the fair. A total of 110 clients were seen that day.
The group gained its official chapter status on September 12, 1998 after completing the charter process and became known as the Sigma Phi Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. A gala Inaugural Dinner took place that evening at the Bellmead Civic Center. Twelve women were sworn in as the first chapter members.