Mu Chi Chi Chapter
On September 19, 2015, Mu Chi Chi chapter was established. It consisted of nineteen phenomenal, professional (lady) nurses, hence the name PHInomenal 19. Mu Chi Chi chapter was the 1st chapter established in the state of Arkansas and completed the Middlesouth region, which is comprised of Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. We have had 8 lines through Mu Chi Chi’s establishment. The lines are as follows: PHInomenal 19, 6 Heartbeats, 2 Degrees of Distinction, Undenyable1, Quaternity, Dynamic Duo, Virtuous 3, and Sensational 2.
Some community services that we engage in annually include the Committee Against Spouse Abuse and Arkansas Association of Area Agency on Aging Meals on Wheels program. Last year, we incorporated feeding the veterans at St. Francis House and ringing the bells at Wal-Mart for The Salvation Army. For the last two years, we have joined Pine Bluff Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated 6000 Sisters 6000 Steps Walk. Recently, we have been added to Pine Bluff’s Divine 9 and Community Partners Association. We are small, but Mighty, look forward to Service for Humanity, increasing our membership, and working with other organizations.